Our Terms and Conditions Notice

The purpose of this notice is to detail the terms and conditions of use of the website https://naam.solutions (hereinafter the website). Any person making use of the information, documents, and various services offered by this site is deemed to have read and accepted these conditions.

Website Editor

This website is published by Naam Consulting. Its content is the property of Naam Consulting, established and having its registered office at 3, Rue du Moulin, L-9167 Mertzig, registered in the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B278005.

Use of the website

Access to the website

The website is accessed via the Internet. Any user of the website (hereinafter 'you') declares therefore to know the risks of its use and accept them.

The user undertakes to use the website with due care and attention, not to infringe the rights of Naam Consulting or the rights of its customers, and not to harm them.

The user undertakes in particular not to damage the reputation, defame, insult, harass, or threaten Naam Consulting, an employee thereof, or a third party and not to use a sub-program, software, or any other device of any kind that could affect the proper functioning of the website.

Naam Consulting reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of use of the website (hereinafter 'T&Cs') at any time. The use of the website after the T&Cs have been modified implies unreserved acceptance of the new T&Cs of the website. Therefore, Naam Consulting recommends that all users regularly check the T&Cs of the website.

Information published on the website

The information published on the website has a purely informative value, the purpose of which is to promote the activities of Naam Consulting to the public at large and its customers. No information published on this website is intended to be exhaustive. The information is not tailored to personal or specific circumstances and therefore cannot be construed as personal, professional, or legal advice to the user.

Availability of the website

Naam Consulting ensures the availability of the website but cannot be held responsible for the temporary unavailability of the website due to maintenance or improvements, for other technical reasons, or for any damage or technical anomalies including viruses or other harmful elements, which may appear on the website.

Intellectual property

The website as well as its content and any other component (including databases, texts, images, and logos) are the exclusive intellectual property of Naam Consulting or a third party. Any reproduction, representation, use, or adaptation, regardless of the form, of all or part of these elements, without the express, prior, and written authorization of Naam Consulting or the rights holder is prohibited.


The website, its content, and its components are regularly updated to allow access and use in the best conditions. However, Naam Consulting cannot guarantee in real time the topicality, completeness, accuracy, and completeness of the content of the website.

The user will be held responsible for damages of any kind that Naam Consulting or any third party may suffer as a result of non-compliance with these terms of use.

To facilitate the publication of information for its customers in particular, and to the public at large, Naam Consulting may provide links to third-party websites that are completely independent. Naam Consulting cannot be held responsible for the content published on these websites, for any reason whatsoever.

Naam Consulting is not responsible for the content of third-party websites that may be referenced on its website.

Neither Naam Consulting nor third parties involved in the writing, production, or operation of this website can be held liable for damages resulting from the access or the impossibility of accessing the use, or the impossibility to use, or because of the information published on the website.

Naam Consulting cannot be held liable, in particular, in the event of omission to update information, in the event of errors in handling the system or encoding, inaccuracies, gaps in the information provided, or possible errors.

Naam Consulting will be entitled to sue anyone who has damaged the website by any means whatsoever, both in its technical structure and its content or components (illegal copying, hacking, sending a malicious file, etc.).

Changes to the website

Naam Consulting reserves the right to develop, modify or suspend, without notice, this website for reasons of maintenance, updating, or for any other reason deemed necessary. The management may at any time withdraw, add, complete, or specify all or part of the information and services made available on the website.


Naam Consulting does not use cookies on this website. However, our hosting provider uses a statistical analysis tool that helps to track and manage our traffic, without the use of personal data. This tool provides us with key information about our users, and different sections of our website.

Protection of personal data

Naam Consulting places great importance on the respect of the privacy and protection of the personal data of users of its website and recommends you read its Privacy policy.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

Any dispute relating to the use of the Naam Consulting website will be subject to Luxembourg law and falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Luxembourg courts.

If you have any questions about this site and its content, you can contact us:

  • By email: info@naam.solutions
  • By mail : Naam Consulting - 3, rue du Moulin, L-9167 Mertzig